A Tibetan Buddhist Prophecy to Save Each Other, Together
Join us in the Saving Each Other Together Project to help turn the tide and avert the crisis of our times.
Introducing the Saving Each Other Together Project (SEOT), a global initiative inspired by a 1,200-year-old Tibetan Buddhist prophecy. The prophecy foretells of dire world events, but also outlines specific actions that can prevent catastrophe and lead us towards a brighter future. The SEOT project focuses on three main preventative measures: building representing images and structures of Buddha’s body, speech and mind, reciting a specific prayer called “Brief Spontaneous Fulfillment of Wishes”, and holding group ceremonies for Repelling Obstacles. These actions are not dependent on political leaders, but rather on the everyday people generating positive merit through acts of wisdom and compassion. The prophecy has a timeline, and the urgency to act is now.
We must take immediate action to prevent the looming dangers of the Year of the Iron Dog.
The world and its inhabitants face great risks, including the possibility of a catastrophic nuclear war. We cannot stand by and let these misfortunes come to pass. It is time to act.
Prophecies have indicated that we can avert these hindrances by taking certain steps. We must place statues of Orgyen on the highest mountains, hang colored Benza Guru prayer flags in the four directions, and recite verses of auspiciousness and aspirations. Furthermore, we must erect stupas in all lands and valleys, and within them place Guru Rinpoche, who averts the disturbances of the four elements.
To increase happiness in all directions, we must let go of the current consciousness and adopt a new paradigm. This will require us to practice wisdom and compassion, moving from a place of self-grasping to an orientation of interdependence.