Be part of the change

Join the movement for a compassionate and interdependent future

Paths for participation

Take actionable steps outlined in the prophecy to turn the tide and create positive change, such as reciting mantras and prayer. Read on for more details on all the ways to participate.

  • Download the Mantra

    The Guru Rinpoche Mantra is a sacred mantra in Tibetan Buddhism that is used to invoke the blessings of Guru Rinpoche. The mantra is "Om Ah Hung Benza Guru Pema Siddhi Hung."

    The mantra is believed to have the power to remove obstacles and negative karma, increase one's positive merits, and bring about transformation. It is also chanted to honor and pay homage to Guru Rinpoche, who is revered as a great master of the Vajrayana tradition and a pioneer of Buddhism in Tibet.

    The mantra is often chanted during meditation or recited as part of daily practice. Many practitioners believe that the recitation of the mantra with devotion and sincerity can bring about blessings and protection.

    About Mantra Recitation:

    To accumulate mantra recitations, one must repeatedly recite the chosen mantra with full concentration and devotion.

    One common method of accumulating mantra recitations is through the use of prayer beads, also known as a mala. The mala typically has 108 beads and is used to keep track of the number of times the mantra is recited. One starts at the bead next to the guru bead (a larger bead that marks the beginning and end of the mala) and moves clockwise, using the thumb to count each bead as the mantra is recited.

    Another way to accumulate mantra recitations is through group practice, such as during a retreat or with a sangha. In such settings, practitioners may recite the mantra together for a designated amount of time.

    Join our weekly group practice session.

    Ultimately, the key to accumulating mantra recitations is to approach the practice with devotion, sincerity, and consistency. By committing to regular practice and dedicating the merit of one's recitations to the benefit of all beings, one can cultivate a deeper connection to the mantra and the transformative power it holds.

    Submit your recitations here.

  • Download the Tibetan & English Prayer

    Download the English Prayer

    "The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Wishes" is a prayer in Tibetan Buddhism believed to bring blessings. It is a supplication to Guru Rinpoche and is said to be particularly effective in preventing natural disasters and calamities. The prayer is often recited during times of environmental crises, and it is considered to be an important part of the prevention measures outlined in the Tibetan Buddhist prophecy for the coming years.

    Here is a general guide for practicing “The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Wishes”:

    • Set your motivation: Before you begin any practice, it's essential to set your motivation. You can do this by reflecting on your intention for practicing the prayer, such as to generate positive merit to benefit all beings.

    • Visualize: As you recite the prayer, visualize Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava) and his consort, Yeshe Tsogyal, surrounded by light and blessings. Visualize yourself and all beings being blessed by their wisdom, compassion, and power.

    • Recite the prayer: Begin reciting the prayer aloud or silently, focusing on the words and their meaning. You can use a mala to count your recitations or recite for a set period of time, such as 10 or 20 minutes.

    • Dedicate the prayer: After you finish reciting the prayer, take a moment to dedicate the positive merit you have generated to the benefit of all beings. You can do this by simply thinking, "May the merit of this practice benefit all beings."

    Remember that the power of the prayer comes not just from the recitation itself but from the intention and motivation behind it. By practicing with a sincere desire to benefit others, you can create a powerful stream of positive energy that can bring about real change in the world.

    Submit your recitations here.

  • Please work with your teacher to access this practice.

The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Wishes Prayer

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Share your actions.

We encourage you to submit the number of your recitations, both of the Guru Rinpoche mantra and the “Spontaneous Fulfillment of Wishes.”

Participate in a prayer group.

Our international community comes together via Zoom to join in prayer. Join us on Zoom on Friday at 8 am MST, Sunday at 10 am MST, and Wednesday at 7 pm MST.