Prayers and Mantras
Join us in the Saving Each Other Together Project to collectively shift the tide and prevent crisis.
In Buddhism, mantra holds a sacred place as a powerful tool for spiritual growth and enlightenment. Rooted in ancient tradition, mantra is a form of meditation that involves the rhythmic repetition of sacred sounds, syllables, or phrases. These mantras are imbued with profound meaning and are believed to carry the essence of enlightenment or spiritual principles.
Sangha member Deb Hicks, alongside her husband Jason Hicks rendered these mantras and prayers musically and their niece Elie Cronan provided the visual art for us to employ actionable steps delineated in the prophecy to shift the tides and foster positive transformation. Reciting these mantras and prayers aids in preventing impending challenges.
The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Wishes Prayer
In Tibetan Buddhism, the Spontaneous Fulfillment of Wishes Prayer is believed to bring blessings.
It supplicates Guru Rinpoche and is said to be particularly effective in preventing natural disasters and calamities. The prayer is often recited during environmental crises and is considered to be an important part of the prevention measures outlined in the Tibetan Buddhist prophecy for the coming years.
Arranged and sung by the Joan Zen Band (Deb and Jason Hicks)
Translated by Sarah Plazas
Mixed and mastered by Jason Hicks
Animation by Elie Cronan
Guru Rinpoche Mantra
The Vajra Guru mantra contains inconceivable blessings. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche has said of it, “Our master, Guru Rinpoche, and the mantra are inseparable. So when we utter the name of the guru by reciting the mantra, it's as if we are calling out repeatedly to someone who simply cannot fail to reply. The guru cannot but turn his compassion towards us, and so, if we pray one-pointedly like this, there is absolutely no doubt that Guru Rinpoche will come at once to grant us his blessings.”
This video was received as a beautiful gift from the Joan Zen Band and Elie Cronan dedicated to Tulku Sang-Ngag Rinpoche, Namchak Khen Rinpoche, Lama Tsomo, Ewam, the Namchak Foundation and lineage, and the three jewels. It was created as an offering to promote peace, harmony, and compassion.May all beings benefit! We are grateful for this beautiful song, art, and translation.
Arranged and sung by the Joan Zen Band (Deb and Jason Hicks)
Mixed and mastered by Jason Hicks
Animation by Elie Cronan
Dusum Sangye - Buddha of the Three Times
This prayer was discovered as terma by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa. It is a famous prayer to Guru Rinpoche that is widely practiced to remove obstacles and fulfill wishes.
Arranged and sung by the Joan Zen Band (Deb and Jason Hicks)
Mixed and mastered by Jason Hicks
Animation by Elie Cronan
Buddha of the Three Times Prayer
Buddha of the Three Times Prayer or Dusum Sangye in Tibetan
These are the English lyrics to the Dusum Sangye Prayer.
Translated by Timothy Hinkle
Arranged and sung by the Joan Zen Band (Deb and Jason Hicks)
Mixed and mastered by Jason Hicks
Animation by Elie Cronan