We extend warm greetings on behalf of Namchak Foundation Board Member Dorje Lopön Chökyi Lodrö, who is Tulku Sangak Rinpoche’s older brother. He brings forth a significant message, urging all international Ewam and Namchak sangha members to dedicate prayers, practice, and generosity to support H.E. Gochen Tulku Sangak Rinpoche’s life and vital endeavors. 

Dear Sangha Members,

Namchak Khen Rinpoche, Lama Tsomo, and I, after much discussion, are requesting that all international Ewam and Namchak sangha members, make their best efforts at repeating and accumulating the mantras of Vajrasattva and Vajrakilya as supportive practices for the life and activities of H.E. Gochen Tulku Sangak Rinpoche from now until the end of the coming Tibetan new year (Feb. of 2025). At that time, the numbers of mantras will be collected and dedicated, so please keep track of them. They will be dedicated for the welfare of all beings in general, for all of the holders of the teachings, and in particular for the support of Rinpoche’s life and activities.

After the Tibetan New Year, there will be a Vajrasattva Bumtsok at the nunnery in Siliguri where the complete ritual will be held. To follow through, we will be adding a short form of Vajrasattva sadhana titled “The Heart Essence of Daily Practice of Vajrasattva - Natural Liberating of Samsara and Nirvana”, to our current annual, monthly, and daily Vajrakilaya sadhanas and Sölka (protector) carried out by our nunnery. 

Recently, we have made requests to numerous Kyabje Rinpoches [high lamas] on this matter, and especially to Gyaltsen Tulku Rinpoche. They have unanimously advised that we perform the Vajrasattva pujas and mantras, so we are following their guidance on this. I have accordingly made requests to other monasteries in and outside of Tibet, where all the sadhanas are being recited. Most importantly, I have also consulted with Tulku Sangak Rinpoche, who has agreed as well. It was he who advised us to add the practice and mantras of Vajrakilaya.

When our mantra repetitions are dedicated on the occasion of Vajrasattva Bumtsok at the nunnery in Siliguri, India, which have just begun, I request that the international Ewam and Namchak sanghas to offer some financial support for the occasion. The donations will go to an ongoing fund for our nuns who are consistently practicing Vajrakilaya and Sölka including a short daily Vajrasattva sadhana. These gatherings, especially the large, elaborate ones, involve large offerings, and the feeding and hosting hundreds of people, so it will require our generous support. If the fund is large enough, the events can be supported by the interest of the fund. Then annual fundraising will not be necessary. 

I, Dorje Lopön Chökyi Lodrö, after discussion with Namchak Khenpo Ngawang Gelek Rinpoche and Lama Sangak Yeshe Tsomo, am taking the responsibility for these endeavors and humbly, fervently request that you practice to the best of your ability and offer whatever assistance you can.


Dorje Lopön Chökyi Lodrö

Ewam Taiwan

January 4, 2024